Project Success Story

Command & Control

Recognizing the need for a comprehensive offshore project management solution

The team at 4D Nav tasked itself with developing an advanced software solution for marine project management professionals. Its purpose was to provide a comprehensive overview of project infrastructure and total control over all operational management, both onshore and offshore, while reducing operating costs and carbon footprint.

Developed by experts

4D Nav's software, engineering, and marine industry experts worked collaboratively to develop the company's innovative Command & Control solution. This solution helps marine project management professionals work more efficiently, regardless of their specific job function. In addition to providing a thorough project overview, Command & Control can enhance telepresence between vessels and team members working both onshore and offshore.

Enhanced by Experience

Drawing on professional experience in the marine industry, 4D Nav's experts foresaw a need for additional features an functionality in Command & Control. As a result, the team enhanced this program by including planning, asset management, project monitoring, and operational control functions.

Command & Control features that ensured the project's success
  • SIMOPS planning and monitoring
  • Scenario and conflict reporting
  • Vessel and fleet management
  • Integration with Oracle Primavera and Microsoft Project for schedule file importing
  • Advanced schedule editing
  • Real-time Gnatt chart schedule viewing
  • Infrastructure asset management
  • Virtual meeting hosting between vessels and control center
  • Cloud-managed data solutions

The Result: A turn-key project management solution

Based on 4D Nav's industry-leading NavView, Command & Control enables marine project management professionals to control and manage projects from conception to decommissioning. With NavView's notable features, such as remote access and control, three-dimensional visualizations, catenary modeling, and Clear-Com voice, Command & Control is the ultimate turn-key project management solution for marine industry professionals.

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